The SDG Primer

Last updated: 19 Apr 2024  |  1338 Views  | 

The SDG Primer

The SDGs Primer

Since we have developed the UN-TU joint teaching program*, we would like to introduce the SDG Primer.

This "SDG Primer' explores the transformative shift in the development paradigm embodied in the 2030 Agenda. It supports common understanding of the Agenda's complexity and breadth, and the requirements to deliver on its 17 SDGS and 169 targets.

The SDG Primer lays out the:

  • Urgency of action required by all actors in all countries
  • Foundational characteristics of this universal and integrated framework
  • Specific actions we can all take to better support countries and governments

It should take approximately 3 hours to complete this primer, We hope you find it thought-provoking, enjoyable and useful!

Let’s dive in ….



* The UN-TU joint teaching program is specially designed and offered for the BIR Program. This collaboration has been kick-started since 2018 which allows students to explore the field of international organizations with global practitioners' views and in connection with various dimensions. For this year, it is honour to have 8 UN agencies offering the lectures including RCO, UN Habitat, UNEP, FAO, UNDRR, IOM, UNHCR and UNIDO.

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