International Conference

Last updated: 19 Apr 2024  |  1803 Views  | 

International Conference

International Conference
Asia Pacific Challenges: Security and Foreign Policy Issues Conference
May 6, 2023
from 14.00 (Bangkok Time)
In collaboration with Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU), University of Warsaw, and Thammasat University
The BIR Students will present their proposals on behalf of the Faculty of Political Science, Thammasat University, as follows:
1. Napat Saengbuakaew
National "Refugee" Screening Mechanism: The Future of Human Security in Thailand and Southeast Asia
2. Chanon Chinudomsub
The Future of Security Cooperation in Southeast Asia Amidst the Rise of China
3. Tarapoom Panpin
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Its Implications on Maritime Security in Southeast Asia
4. Nawarat Perawattanasakul
Geopolitical Competition and the Rise of China in the Indo-Pacific Region: The Case of China's Assertiveness in Taiwan
ZOOM Link:
Meeting ID: 967 7711 1343

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